Sweet Thorn


Sweet Thorn was conceived in Palestine and performed so far in Cape Town (2015), Seoul (2015), Jeju Island (2015) and Naples (2016), Valladolid in 2018 and London in 2022.

Description of Sweet Thorn

Dressed in 100 meters of barbed wire and 100 roses. Blowing balloons with written words. Each word represents something I want to transform on Earth. Slowly freeing myself from the barbed wire with the use of a cutter. With the pieces of barbed wire, a stem is created. the artist uses the barbed wire stem to create a flower with the burst balloon which had a word written on representing something he wants to change in the world (eg: Racism, Brutality, violence, Injustice, etc.). The artist makes a white flower which will be given, together with a red rose to a member of the audience as a cathartic action for transformation. Slowly getting totally free from the wire. the artist says in an interview: "By the act of giving, I free myself".

Naples, Italy (2016)

Performed for the Artperformingfestival.

Sweet Thorn
Sweet Thorn
Sweet Thorn
Sweet Thorn
Sweet Thorn
Sweet Thorn

Photos by Leonardo Damo

Sweet Thorn, Naples (2016), performed in occasion of Artperformingfestival, curated by Gianni Nappa. Video by ViMagazine. Perfomance started from Spazio Nea (Bellini Square to Dante Square). Duration: 1 hour.

Cape Town, South Africa (2015)

Performed for the Institute of Palestine in South Africa and the Museum of Palestine in Cape Town.

Sweet Thorn
Sweet Thorn
Sweet Thorn

Photos by Thakira Desai

Sweet Thorn, Cape Town (2015), performed for the Institute of Palestine in South Africa and the Museum of Palestine in Cape Town. Curated by Anis Daraghma.

Seoul and Jeju Island, South Korea (2015)

Performed for Jieaf Festival in Jeju Island and VAC Space in Seoul.

Sweet Thorn
Sweet Thorn
Sweet Thorn
Sweet Thorn

Jeju Island. Photos by Alfredo Sciuto and Sue Kim

Sweet Thorn, Seoul (2015), performed in the VAC space. Music by Aloïs Yang.

London, United Kingdom (2017)

Photos by FAYEYES and Camille Leung

Sweet Thorn for Ukraine

Dressed in 100 meters of barbed wire and 100 roses. Blowing balloons with written words. Each word represents something I want to transform on earth. Slowly freeing myself from the wire with the use of a cutter. With the pieces of barbed wire, a stem is created. Using the stem and the burst balloon written on each balloon a word of something I want to transform (eg: Racism, Brutality, violence, Injustice, etc.), I will make a white flower which will be given, together with a rose to a member of the audience as a cathartic action for transformation. Slowly getting totally free from the wire.